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Leather DIY Workshop
Made in Hong Kong

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皮革材料包,自己親手做皮革禮物,店主特製step by step教材,保證簡單易學

首頁: 文字
  1. This is your Project Title

    This is your Project Description. It’s a great place to describe your Project in more detail. Mention the name of your clients, your work process, obstacles overcome and tools or software you used. To hook new potential clients, illustrate how your work has provided successful solutions for past clients. Tip from the pros: add a link to any relevant online material so visitors can see your work live on the web!

  2. This is your Project Description. It’s a great place to describe your Project in more detail. Mention the name of your clients, your work process, obstacles overcome and tools or software you used. To hook new potential clients, illustrate how your work has provided successful solutions for past clients. Tip from the pros: add a link to any relevant online material so visitors can see your work live on the web!

  3. This is your Project Title

    This is your Project Description. It’s a great place to describe your Project in more detail. Mention the name of your clients, your work process, obstacles overcome and tools or software you used. To hook new potential clients, illustrate how your work has provided successful solutions for past clients. Tip from the pros: add a link to any relevant online material so visitors can see your work live on the web!

  4. This is your Project Title

    This is your Project Description. It’s a great place to describe your Project in more detail. Mention the name of your clients, your work process, obstacles overcome and tools or software you used. To hook new potential clients, illustrate how your work has provided successful solutions for past clients. Tip from the pros: add a link to any relevant online material so visitors can see your work live on the web!

  5. This is your Project Title

    This is your Project Description. It’s a great place to describe your Project in more detail. Mention the name of your clients, your work process, obstacles overcome and tools or software you used. To hook new potential clients, illustrate how your work has provided successful solutions for past clients. Tip from the pros: add a link to any relevant online material so visitors can see your work live on the web!

  6. This is your Project Title

    This is your Project Description. It’s a great place to describe your Project in more detail. Mention the name of your clients, your work process, obstacles overcome and tools or software you used. To hook new potential clients, illustrate how your work has provided successful solutions for past clients. Tip from the pros: add a link to any relevant online material so visitors can see your work live on the web!

  7. This is your Project Title

    This is your Project Description. It’s a great place to describe your Project in more detail. Mention the name of your clients, your work process, obstacles overcome and tools or software you used. To hook new potential clients, illustrate how your work has provided successful solutions for past clients. Tip from the pros: add a link to any relevant online material so visitors can see your work live on the web!

  8. This is your Project Description. It’s a great place to describe your Project in more detail. Mention the name of your clients, your work process, obstacles overcome and tools or software you used. To hook new potential clients, illustrate how your work has provided successful solutions for past clients. Tip from the pros: add a link to any relevant online material so visitors can see your work live on the web!

首頁: Pro Gallery
Heart shape keychain 心型皮革鎖匙扣

Heart shape keychain 心型皮革鎖匙扣

Heart shape keychain 心型皮革鎖匙扣

Leather notebook 皮革筆記本

Leather notebook 皮革筆記本

Leather notebook 皮革筆記本

ID holder 員工證件套 (橫款)

ID holder 員工證件套 (橫款)

ID holder 員工證件套 (橫款)

Card holder 卡包 (兩摺)

Card holder 卡包 (兩摺)

Card holder 卡包 (兩摺)

Leather Card Holder 皮革卡片套

Leather Card Holder 皮革卡片套

Leather Card Holder 皮革卡片套

Short leather wallet 短銀包(連散銀位)

Short leather wallet 短銀包(連散銀位)

Short leather wallet 短銀包(連散銀位)

Leather Loose-leaf Notebook 皮革活頁筆記本

Leather Loose-leaf Notebook 皮革活頁筆記本

Leather Loose-leaf Notebook 皮革活頁筆記本

Short leather wallet 皮革短銀包 (直款)

Short leather wallet 皮革短銀包 (直款)

Short leather wallet 皮革短銀包 (直款)

皮革卡片套 (large size)

皮革卡片套 (large size)

皮革卡片套 (large size)

Leather Pencil Case 皮革筆袋

Leather Pencil Case 皮革筆袋

Leather Pencil Case 皮革筆袋

Coins and card purse 散銀及紙幣 大容量卡包 (standard size)

Coins and card purse 散銀及紙幣 大容量卡包 (standard size)

Coins and card purse 散銀及紙幣 大容量卡包 (standard size)

Leather Key Case 皮革鎖匙包

Leather Key Case 皮革鎖匙包

Leather Key Case 皮革鎖匙包

首頁: 作品集



首頁: 文字
  1. This is your Project Title

    This is your Project Description. It’s a great place to describe your Project in more detail. Mention the name of your clients, your work process, obstacles overcome and tools or software you used. To hook new potential clients, illustrate how your work has provided successful solutions for past clients. Tip from the pros: add a link to any relevant online material so visitors can see your work live on the web!

  2. This is your Project Description. It’s a great place to describe your Project in more detail. Mention the name of your clients, your work process, obstacles overcome and tools or software you used. To hook new potential clients, illustrate how your work has provided successful solutions for past clients. Tip from the pros: add a link to any relevant online material so visitors can see your work live on the web!

  3. This is your Project Title

    This is your Project Description. It’s a great place to describe your Project in more detail. Mention the name of your clients, your work process, obstacles overcome and tools or software you used. To hook new potential clients, illustrate how your work has provided successful solutions for past clients. Tip from the pros: add a link to any relevant online material so visitors can see your work live on the web!

  4. This is your Project Title

    This is your Project Description. It’s a great place to describe your Project in more detail. Mention the name of your clients, your work process, obstacles overcome and tools or software you used. To hook new potential clients, illustrate how your work has provided successful solutions for past clients. Tip from the pros: add a link to any relevant online material so visitors can see your work live on the web!

  5. This is your Project Title

    This is your Project Description. It’s a great place to describe your Project in more detail. Mention the name of your clients, your work process, obstacles overcome and tools or software you used. To hook new potential clients, illustrate how your work has provided successful solutions for past clients. Tip from the pros: add a link to any relevant online material so visitors can see your work live on the web!

  6. This is your Project Title

    This is your Project Description. It’s a great place to describe your Project in more detail. Mention the name of your clients, your work process, obstacles overcome and tools or software you used. To hook new potential clients, illustrate how your work has provided successful solutions for past clients. Tip from the pros: add a link to any relevant online material so visitors can see your work live on the web!

  7. This is your Project Title

    This is your Project Description. It’s a great place to describe your Project in more detail. Mention the name of your clients, your work process, obstacles overcome and tools or software you used. To hook new potential clients, illustrate how your work has provided successful solutions for past clients. Tip from the pros: add a link to any relevant online material so visitors can see your work live on the web!

  8. This is your Project Description. It’s a great place to describe your Project in more detail. Mention the name of your clients, your work process, obstacles overcome and tools or software you used. To hook new potential clients, illustrate how your work has provided successful solutions for past clients. Tip from the pros: add a link to any relevant online material so visitors can see your work live on the web!

首頁: Pro Gallery


訂做團體禮物、公司紀念品、farewell 禮物、結婚禮物等等,團體訂購可享優惠及刻 logo

首頁: 文字
  1. This is your Project Title

    This is your Project Description. It’s a great place to describe your Project in more detail. Mention the name of your clients, your work process, obstacles overcome and tools or software you used. To hook new potential clients, illustrate how your work has provided successful solutions for past clients. Tip from the pros: add a link to any relevant online material so visitors can see your work live on the web!

  2. This is your Project Description. It’s a great place to describe your Project in more detail. Mention the name of your clients, your work process, obstacles overcome and tools or software you used. To hook new potential clients, illustrate how your work has provided successful solutions for past clients. Tip from the pros: add a link to any relevant online material so visitors can see your work live on the web!

  3. This is your Project Title

    This is your Project Description. It’s a great place to describe your Project in more detail. Mention the name of your clients, your work process, obstacles overcome and tools or software you used. To hook new potential clients, illustrate how your work has provided successful solutions for past clients. Tip from the pros: add a link to any relevant online material so visitors can see your work live on the web!

  4. This is your Project Title

    This is your Project Description. It’s a great place to describe your Project in more detail. Mention the name of your clients, your work process, obstacles overcome and tools or software you used. To hook new potential clients, illustrate how your work has provided successful solutions for past clients. Tip from the pros: add a link to any relevant online material so visitors can see your work live on the web!

  5. This is your Project Title

    This is your Project Description. It’s a great place to describe your Project in more detail. Mention the name of your clients, your work process, obstacles overcome and tools or software you used. To hook new potential clients, illustrate how your work has provided successful solutions for past clients. Tip from the pros: add a link to any relevant online material so visitors can see your work live on the web!

  6. This is your Project Title

    This is your Project Description. It’s a great place to describe your Project in more detail. Mention the name of your clients, your work process, obstacles overcome and tools or software you used. To hook new potential clients, illustrate how your work has provided successful solutions for past clients. Tip from the pros: add a link to any relevant online material so visitors can see your work live on the web!

  7. This is your Project Title

    This is your Project Description. It’s a great place to describe your Project in more detail. Mention the name of your clients, your work process, obstacles overcome and tools or software you used. To hook new potential clients, illustrate how your work has provided successful solutions for past clients. Tip from the pros: add a link to any relevant online material so visitors can see your work live on the web!

  8. This is your Project Description. It’s a great place to describe your Project in more detail. Mention the name of your clients, your work process, obstacles overcome and tools or software you used. To hook new potential clients, illustrate how your work has provided successful solutions for past clients. Tip from the pros: add a link to any relevant online material so visitors can see your work live on the web!

首頁: Pro Gallery



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